Juil 15 2008
SSD – Le test en vrai !
Eeh oui, cela faisait longtemps que S&D n’avait pas parlé de SSD.
Sauf que là, ce n’est pas en parler mais carrement le tester !
Pour info les SSD sont des Solid State Drive ou unité électronique de stockage de données, constituée de mémoire flash. Évidemment, c’est encore Wikipédia qui en parle le mieux.
Pour info, ce type de stockage (on ne peut plus parler de disque dur) apporte une rapidité exceptionnelle: un temps d’accès divisé par 100 (comparé à la moyenne des disques dur 7200 tours minutes) un débit en ecriture et en lecture qui s’approche des meilleurs disques dur et surtout constant sur toute la surface (forcement il n’y a pas de disque donc pas de chute de débits).
Bref ca va fichtrement vite.
Tout ca c’est bien beau mais en réel cela donne quoi ?
Sur un Windows Server 2008 (mon OS préféré du moment … je l’adore. Bien stable, bien propre et plus léger qu’on ne le croit. Bref je m’égare et j’aurais dû faire sponsoriser ce billet), la différence, sans être flagrante, est nette. 15 secondes gagnées sur le demarrage de windows (pour un serveur ce différentiel est négligeable) mais surtout une fois le système d’exploitation lancé … un Windows bien réactif, des applications qui se lancent très vite.
Un vrai bonheur.
Enfin le prix ce n’est pas vraiment du bonheur: 450€ pour 32 giga de stockage, ca revient très cher. Mais il faut avouer que le kit Mtron 3000 (Mtron est le plus rapide des SSD et la serie 3000 va forcement moins vite que la série 7000 – qui est trop cher à mon gout) est ce qui se fait de mieux en ce moment.
Oct 28 2008
Windows Server – la version R2 de Windows Server 2008
Microsoft est très actif en terme de communication concernant Windows, y compris sur Windows Server 2008.
On trouve sur Bink.nu (un excellent site) un descriptif très complet de nouveautés serveur … et ça promet !:
Hyper-V 2.0
2008 R2 will include Hyper-V R2, it promises to deliver the final pieces for enterprise level OS virtualization (together with SCVMM2008) and to really compete with VMware at that level.
Live Migration
The most anticipated is of course Live Migration: moving running VM’s from one host to another without interruption of services running inside the VM’s
To accomplisch this technique a new shared filesytem is needed and so will also be introduced in Hyper-V 2.0: Clustered Shared Volumes.
The Live migration works best together with System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, it can provide additional Live Migration management and orchestration scenarios such as Live Migration via policy.
Cool thing is you only need to update to Hyper-V 2.0, none of the rest of the infractructere needs updating.
Logical Processor Support
Hot add remove storage
Second Level Translation (SLAT)
Dynamic Memory
!!NOTE:The Dynamic Memory feature, will not be available as a part of the Beta for WS08 R2. Microsoft is still evaluating options to make this feature available as a part of RC/RTM of WS08 R2. So let’s hope this won’t be killed before release.
Boot from VHD
Allows any VHD to work on physical hardware, this is very interesting! Boot an OS VHD on your physical hardware
Terminal Services
Terminal services will get whole new Platform Improvements like a New API, Connection Broker Extensibility, Dynamic CPU Allocation, IP address virtualization, Best Practices Analyzer! and Full MSI support.
I will get more in to this at WinHEC.
New Management Features
Powershell 2.0 based, AD recycle bin J, Offline Domain Join, managed service accounts and more.
PowerShell 2.0
PowerShell 2.0 includes the ability to extend PowerShell scripts functionality by using the following features:
New commandlets
A UI for powershell J
Create advanced functions. Advanced functions allow you to write wrappers around existing cmdlets. PowerShell 2.0 searches for functions first and then cmdlets. This allows advanced functions to take precedence over cmdlets.
Call .NET application programming interfaces (APIs). This feature allows you to extend your PowerShell with the features provided by any .NET API.
Improved script debugging. PowerShell 2.0 allows you to set breakpoints on lines, columns, functions, variables, and commands. You can also specify actions to run when the breakpoint is hit. The debugging environment supports stepping into, over, or out of functions. You can also get the call stack information (breakpoints)
Subscription-based interface to Windows Event System. This feature allows your PowerShell scripts to respond to specific events in event logs.
Write cmdlets in PowerShell script. This feature allows you to write cmdlets in PowerShell instead of compiled C# or VB.NET.
Script Internationalization. This new feature allows PowerShell script authors to write scripts that can be translated to any language supported by Windows.
Improved Portability of PowerShell Scripts and Cmdlets
Another area of improvement for PowerShell 2.0 is in the area of portability. The improved portability in PowerShell 2.0 allows you to easily move PowerShell scripts and cmdlets between computers.
The features that help improve the portability of PowerShell scripts and cmdlets include:
New module architecture. This architecture allows the packaging of cmdlets, which includes the definition and packaging of scripts. You can send these packaged modules to other administrators.
New method of storing configuration information. PowerShell version 1.0 some of the configuration was put in the registry. In PowerShell version 2.0 the configuration is stored in an .xml file . The .xml file allows the configuration information to be more easily moved from one computer to another.
Note: Although you must uninstall PowerShell 1.0 before installing PowerShell 2.0, the registry settings are automatically migrated to the .xml file.
2008 R2 Power Management
UPDATE: The latest customer feedback to the development team indicated that this capability is a much lower priority than other new features planned for Windows Server 2008 R2. So with that feedback in mind, Microsoft has made a decision to focus its development resources on other top features, and SAN power management will not be included in R2. Microsoft has not yet made a determination if or how this capability will be included in a future release.
Direct Access
Direct Access allows access to resources on Corporate network without the need to establish a VPN connection, invisible to end users.
This feature was originally announced as part of R2 of Server 2003, implemented the same way as Outlook Anywhere does (RPC over HTTPS), but now it is implemented using the latest technologies: SSTP, IPSec and IPv6.
Branchoffice Cache
Branchoffice Cache, caches http & SMB downloaded by users in the branch, users can quickly open files stored in the cache which frees up network bandwidth for other uses.
Server Core
.NET for Core installation! Yes Microsoft componentized .NET framework the same way as they did with VISTA/2008 OS components. So now it is possible to install .NET Framework on Core with all the benefits that come with it, like asp.net websites! And PowerShell 2.0 J!!
By Stanislas Khider • Techlounge et Geekeries • 0 • Tags: Microsoft, R2, Windows Server 2008